Friday, August 2, 2013

This is Happening.... I'm Moving in with M!

Yes, I'm moving in with my man. Not only does that mean moving to Carlsbad but it means quitting my job. Some people would freak out, but not me. I'm super-psyched! I've always followed my career, moving literally across the country (11 times and counting..) for a job and putting my personal life, friends, and family to the side. Not anymore. My life with M is the most important thing, and I'm ready for that to begin!

Right now we are in the planning stages... this is what happens when 2 detail-oriented people move in. Months of planning. We sit at his house and decide where furniture is going to go, what will be sold or given away. The consolidation of 2 households is daunting. We have conversations about whether we'll keep my dishes, which TVs go in which room (we are going to have a tv room... I think fancy peeps call it a home theater. We just call it the 'back room'), whether to keep the kinda ugly but totally unique woven wall rug thing that lived for years on the wall of my grandparents' beach house. I'm pretty sure that my sarong-turned-wall hanging of the Hindu god, Surya, must come down indefinitely.

So, we are super-excited and in deep planning mode! Internet, I'll keep you updated as things progress.

If only moving Chicory were this easy...

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