Monday, January 21, 2013

Continuing the Green Christmas, a Tradition in the Making

This year's Christmas was in two parts.... part one was December in Carlsbad where I got to meet M's family and spend the holiday with them. I wrapped most of my presents in plain recycled paper or in reusable gift bags. Since I was with a new family that may or may not get my "green Christmas" style, I chose to keep it pretty tame.

The second Christmas was this last week in Houston, where M got to meet my family. Again, my presents were wrapped in reusable bags, but a few were wrapped last minute in regular wrapping paper. My mom, however, went all out. The following are images of the cool stuff she created. Kudos to her ingenuity!

Wrapped in old state road maps.... I would
have NEVER thought of this. Awesome! Also note the ribbon....
VHS tape makes awesome ribbon.

2 gifts were wrapped in kitchen dishtowels.
I love dish towels for daily use instead of
paper napkins. This is a gift wrapped
within another gift. Tied with old stretched-out
hair ties.

all those sales circulars that you can't opt out
of come in handy when wrapping - especially if you
make the wrapping a hint... I got yoga pants out of this box. :-)
Also, note more VHS ribbon.

Cute and applicable cartoon used as nametag

awesome VHS ribbon bow

I did do one last-minute green wrapping job...
for those awkward or large presents.... a big black trashbag
and reusable bow. We used the bag to collect trash later that day.

Happy 2013!!!! For previous Green Christmas entries....
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas, part 1

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas, part 2

Christmas, Green-Style


  1. I love the VHS ribbons! I used to work right next to the IMRO GIS team, and they threw maps into the recycling all the time...we always snatched 'em up and did exactly what your mom did! I think stuff looks so cool wrapped in maps!

    1. I love maps! I'd wallpaper my house in maps if I could. They are the stuff that my dreams are made up of. :-)

    2. You SHOULD wallpaper your house in maps! That would be a cool blog post...
