Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Adventures in Gardening! Hopefully This Won't Turn Into a Tragic "Shoulda Woulda Coulda" Garden...

I've previously posted about patio gardening here at the apartment in El Paso.... I think we can all agree that I'm not a super-awesome gardener. The newest update in my black thumb is that my boyfriend, M, has graciously agreed to let me take over a small section of his yard in Carlsbad, NM for a garden.

After perusing the seed catalog over at Fedco Seeds, M and I chose several veggies and herbs. Basil, Cilantro, Sage, Kale, Spinach, Bell Pepper, and Broccoli seeds are all on their way to me! I also plan to buy some seeds at the local Lowes.... tomato, green beans, mint, red potatoes, garlic, etc are all being considered.

I've been researching gardening apps for tracking the growth, life cycle, watering, and weather of my local garden. I've been reading every gardening blog I can in hopes of finding some tips. My girl over in Bisbee has a great gardening blog that I'll refer to as needed... Poco Sobre Mi Vida. I'll even be asking a lot of questions of my dad as the year progresses. Every little bit helps when you're a plant killer like me.

This last weekend, M and I were visiting friends in Austin and came away with a great new idea.... Tubs! Instead of digging into the ground, laying some type of tarp-y ground cover and cutting holes for the sprinker system, then filling with dirt, and building up the edges with fencing to keep the dogs and boys out, we are going to try tubs. Big metal washtubs that are movable, dog and boy-resistant, and hopefully highly grass and weed-resistant.

My dad is even in on this experiment. He gave us a  hefty gift card to Lowe's to finance our new garden. Thanks dad!

I'll keep everyone updated on the garden goings-on as the year progresses. For now, we are in the hopeful state of research and purchasing.


  1. Good luck! I feel your pain, I'm often trying new things in my gardens...and often find things not turning out so well.

    1. hmmm... could that have anything to do with the amazing agricultural wasteland that Kentucky is? You may be better off growing coal or cannabis. I watch Justified... I know what's up in KY. :-)

    2. Actually, we're supposed to have some really fertile lands here (somewhere). My problem (I think) is more that I move to a new agricultural zone every couple years and have no clue how to plant in any of them. This will be year 2 in KY, hopefully I learned some stuff last summer!

      Oh yeah, and we are supposed to have some of the best cannabis in the country here, but it seems like everyone says that about where they live. I can't believe much could beat all the medicinal stuff in CO.

    3. I had to visit the county agricultural website to see what to plant and when. Every county has one and they are usually pretty helpful.

  2. This was emailed to me by my wonderful ex-roomie! "So -- there are few times I recommend plants over seeds, but tomatoes are one of those. Get yourself starter plants rather than seeds. I will send you some other kinds of seeds which might work for you, also. The idea of tubs is great. You'll still get weeds, and you will have to work out a watering system, but voles and moles can't get to the roots, and boys and dogs won't pose any issues. The key there is to get them deep enough and to use a quality soil. Another thing which works well with the tubs is to use netting over them to keep out those pesky insects. Kale and broccoli and potatoes are winter plants, by the way, so I am not at all sure how those will fare. Try some squash, perhaps? Also be very careful where you put your mint. It not only spreads profusely, it cross-mates and produces some strange-tasting veggies. As you recall, I am --- your green thumb roomie!"
