Backyard Mystery Flower |
The other day M and I noticed these gorgeous guys blooming in his backyard. I asked M what it was and he answered "a vinca"... As this vinca was an unknown flower to me, I immediately took a photo so that I could look it up later on my awesome Audubon Flower app.
Cut to yesterday, I've got some downtime at work so I start my search for the mystery flower, inputting the info that I have.
Color: purple and blue
Habitat: urban and suburban
Month: April
Flower Shape: lobed (after some googling)
And what pops up?! As some of you may have guessed, a damned PERIWINKLE! (Latin Species v
inca) Clearly, I am not a botanist.
Stay tuned for more - I'm sure to discover pansies, roses, and friggin' dandelions soon.
(ps - I bet the other Audubon Wildflower users were thrilled to see my periwinkle sighting.)